Coombe Abbey 10k – Jason’s Race Report

Race Report – Coombe Abbey 10K; Held on 28/06/15; Runner Name: Jason Scott


Jason Scott at Livingstone Relay 2014
Jason Scott at Livingstone Relay 2014


The purpose of the Race Report is to share your personal race experience with current and future club members. It will help fellow runners understand the event more in case they want to try in the future, and helps build up a club memory of events. Not quite “Run Advisor” but a bit of fun for feedback to all.

Weather :-


Early morning downpour that fizzled out just before the start – little to no wind but quite humid.



Location –


Coombe Abbey Coventry.

Large country estate almost impossible to miss.

Race Facilities – Large car park, parking fee of £2.00 included in the race cost of £18.00

Only 2 portaloos provided which seemed inadequate however due to the relatively low number of runners did the job well enough.





Safety – Well marshalled. Water station available at the end of each lap completed. Briefing very clear and concise.
Course description –   All grass course save for a patch of pathway of approx. 50 metres. Long slow inclines, but then what goes up must come down! Very pleasant surroundings, similar to those at Bradgate Park. The 10K comprised of 1 x 3K and 2 x 3.5K laps.   A half and full marathon also used the same course and while bareable for 10K would have been very boring for the longer runs.



Race Story – Did this race as a test to see where my fitness level was at after a long lay off. As usual I set off far too quickly ( park run PB pace ) and by the end of the first lap was having to pay the price for my “enthusiasm”. At least I knew what to expect for the next 2 laps and slowed accordingly – despite this I was looking at the start/finish line at the end of lap 2 and really wanted to give up there and then – no energy levels, heavy legs. Time just to get round and finish which I did thankfully in a modest time of 53.54.





Overall comments   A very friendly and great little race for runners in and around my level as not many “elite” runners were in attendance.     Despite struggling round I still managed to finish in a moral boosting 26th position. I will definitely run this next year even if only to get a more respectable time!




Quality of Apres Run:   Nice T-shirt that looks good with a pair of jeans but not one to train in. Other than that no bling to speak of.




Rating:   I would give this 7/10



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