The club meets on Monday and Thursday evenings for training sessions from Braunstone Leisure Centre (October – April), and from Bradgate Park – Newtown Linford car park (April – October). In addition, the club often meets on Wednesday nights for Functional Fitness and on Sundays, members will often organise longer, more casual runs.
Monday evening – Club Run
When: 18:45 – 20:15
Braunstone Leisure Centre (Winter)
Bradgate Park, Newtown Linford car park (Summer)
Our Monday night club session is a standard club run. We meet at Braunstone Leisure Centre (Winter) or the Newtown Linford car park (Summer) for notices/news and then to arrange groups based on ability before heading out for a run at around 7.00pm.
Thursday evening – Club Run/Intervals
When: 18:45 – 20:15
Braunstone Leisure Centre (Winter)
Bradgate Park, Newtown Linford car park (Summer)
We meet as described for Monday club night. In the summer we take on the challenge of “Phil’s Hills”, a multi- week programme of hill repeats that takes you through the famous sights, wildlife and rolling terrain of Bradgate Park. So called because they have been famously led for years without fail by our very own Phil Chritchlow, who has cut his teeth in Bradgate on his way to his many accomplishments over the years.
In the winter we deliver a 30 odd week programme of interval sessions that focus on improving our technique, running economy and speed.
Everyone is welcome – sessions are inclusive and different – providing members with that all important variety in their training.
Saturday morning – Braunstone parkrun
When: 08:45 – 09:45
Where: Braunstone Park, Braunstone, Leicester
Map: click here
Every Saturday morning, Beaumonters meet at the local parkrun event either to run, volunteer or just to cheer the runners on. parkrun is a free weekly timed 5k run. It starts at 9am each Saturday.
Braunstone parkrun is our nearest and most frequented by our members.
Sunday – Long Runs
On Sundays many of our members will look to join in on casual, longer runs. These can include training runs for the Charnwood Hills Race, marathon training runs or simply a long, slow run with chat and refreshments along the way. Details are typically posted in the members’ facebook group each week.