Annual General Meeting – 15 January 2018 at New Parks Leisure Centre

The Annual General Meeting of the Club has been called for 15 January 2018 starting at 8pm in the New Parks Leisure Centre Family room.

All are welcome to hear about the 2017 year in brief, and the state of the accounts. Most importantly is to be there to have a say and influence what the club should prioritise going forward.

The committee members are voted in and the posts of Chair, Secretary and Treasurer are up for election. If you are interested in these positions to help run our club please speak to Frank Lusk, Gareth Wilkins or Beth Waite for more information.

If anyone wants to have a rule change in the Club’s constitution (request a copy from Frank Lusk) then the AGM is the time to do this.

There will be club meeting as usual 7pm at Braunstone Leisure Centre and a shorter run than usual to allow members to attend the AGM.

We will provide light snacks (crisps etc) and there is a bar next to the Family room.

The committee looks forward to seeing as many of you as possible there. If you have any matter you want to raise then email [email protected]  or speak to Frank/Gareth or any committee member at club night.


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